Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What I Have learned this unit

The Question we were asked was- What have I learned this ELA unit that I can use to make me a better person?

After thinking over the question I have learned from this unit just what the stories have wanted us too learn. They talked about your values in life, what do you have the most respect for. Do you spend your life working hard trying to get richer, or with your family having fun and enjoying life. Along with family what sort of sacrifices would you take for your family. Would you try and throw a paper out the window to alert the police while a murderer holds a knife to your sister?

The biggest push throughout the entire unit was how to accept challenges. When a challenge arises will you view it as an obstacle or opportunity? After the unit was complete we had learned about challenges and examples of how you can take a horrible challenge but turn it into an opportunity to learn. So I have learned that some challenges can still be an obstacle but most can be turned into an opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. I see that you have put a lot of thought into the big ideas from this first unit. I really am impressed with the conclusion you've come to about challenges and I hope that you can continue to apply it to your own life.
